© Stadt Frankfurt/Robert Halbe
Historisches Museum
The Historisches Museum Frankfurt is the oldest museum in Frankfurt and one of the largest city museums in Europe. It is located in the heart of Frankfurt's old town and consists of the 800-year-old Saalhof and the new buildings opened in 2017. Topics from the city's past, present and future are presented in several exhibitions and galleries on 6000 square meters. There, the city's history is examined for its own logics, changing identities and attributions. Changing special exhibitions and the participatory city laboratory are dedicated to current issues. The award-winning museum includes the Junge Museum and the Porzellan Museum in the Höchst district. In addition, the museum rooms in the Haus zur Goldenen Waage - one of the most beautiful half-timbered Renaissance buildings in Frankfurt's new Old Town - also belong to the Historical Museum.
Historisches Museum
Frankfurt's city history on 6000 square meters
Frankfurt, Altstadt, Saalhof 1
Di–So 11–18 Uhr
Aktuelles Programm

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Bewegung! Frankfurt und die Mobilität
Kunst / Museen - Vorträge
Das Geld der Karolinger und der große Schatzfund von Pilligerheck
von Stefan Wittenbrink Details >>
19.2. 18.00 Uhr
Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Die Schneekugel - Typisch Frankfurt!

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Stadtlabor Zeitzeugenschaft?
Ein Erinnerungslabor Details >>
Theater - Performance
Zeit für Zeugen
Das Schauspiel Frankfurt in Kooperation mit dem Historischen Museum Frankfurt Details >>
18.3. 19.00 Uhr
Kunst / Museen - Führungen
Zeitzeugenschaft? Ein Erinnerungslabor
in „Frankfurt Jetzt!“, Ebene 3: Stadtlabor Details >>
21./23.2. 15.00 Uhr