© Uwe Dettmar
Struwwelpeter Museum
A special museum in the New Old Town: In two buildings, everything revolves around the classic children's book "Struwwelpeter" and its author Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann. Hoffmann lived from 1809 to 1894, and his work is brought to life in portraits, letters, sketches and first editions. Visitors get to know Hoffmann as a psychiatric reformer, humorous poet, family man and convinced Frankfurter. Rare book exhibits, parodies, kitsch and art tell of the worldwide distribution of his picture book. The permanent exhibition is supplemented by special exhibitions and a large selection of souvenirs and books.
Struwwelpeter Museum
Children's book classics in museum garb
Frankfurt, Altstadt, Hinter dem Lämmchen 2–4
Di–So 11–18 Uhr
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