© Bibelhaus Frankfurt
Bibelhaus Erlebnis Museum
The adventure museum is located on the Museum Embankment and shows the tradition, life and meaning of the Bible with originals, scenic presentation and many interactive elements. Unique finds make it possible to experience the world behind the texts. The archaeological objects from Israel also shed new light on fundamental questions of humanity about death and life, power and powerlessness, origins and future. The museum focuses, among other things, on the interreligious dialogue of the three world religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as on education and outreach work.
Bibelhaus Erlebnis Museum
A journey through time into the world of the Bible
Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, Metzlerstraße 19
Di–Sa 10–17 Uhr, So 14–17 Uhr
Schweizer Platz
Aktuelles Programm

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Protest 500 – vom Weihnachtslied zum Aufstand