© Museum für Kommunikation/Thomas Gessner
Museum für Kommunikation
Opened in 1958, the Museum für Kommunikation is one of the first museums on today's Museumsufer. It originated in a historic villa as the Bundespost Museum. On the first floor, 44 themed islands show the development of telecommunications - from cuneiform writing to data glasses. Special exhibitions and a children's workshop round out the offerings. The museum is part of the Post and Telecommunications Museum Foundation. This also includes the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, the Museum für Kommunikation Nuremberg and the Archiv für Philatelie Bonn.
Museum für Kommunikation
History of telecommunications at your fingertips
Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, Schaumainkai 53
Di/Do–So 10–18 Uhr, Mi 10–20 Uhr
Aktuelles Programm

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