© Wolfgang Günzel
The Cathedral Museum is located in a special place on the edge of Frankfurt's old town, as it was established in the cloister of the imperial cathedral in 1967. The focus there is on the church treasures of Frankfurt's three collegiate churches - St. Bartholomew (Cathedral), Liebfrauen and St. Leonhard. Since the Middle Ages, all three have received valuable donations, above all goldsmith's art and precious mass vestments. Since 2006, it has also had a second exhibition venue, the "Sacristy" in the neighboring Haus am Dom. The cathedral tower is also part of the museum: visitors who climb it (328 steps) are rewarded with a wonderful view over the city. Since summer 2023, an exhibition on the construction history of the tower and the life of the tower keeper families has been on display in the Türmerstube at a height of 66 meters.
Museum in the cloister of the imperial cathedral
Frankfurt, Altstadt, Domplatz 3
Di–Fr 10–17 Uhr, Sa/So 11–17 Uhr
Aktuelles Programm

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Frankfurter Kirchenschätze
Dauerausstellung im Kreuzgang des Doms St. Bartholomäus Details >>
bis auf Weiteres

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Licht und Farbe – Wie das Göttliche sich zeigt
Dauerausstellung im Sakristeum Details >>
ab 21.9.2023 bis auf weiteres

Führungen - Führungen
Orgelführung im Kaiserdom
mit Andreas Boltz, Dommusikdirektor, Treffpunkt: Domvorhalle, Anmeldung erforderlich fuehrungen@dommuseum-frankfurt.de Details >>
28.2. 15.00 Uhr