, Credit: © Frankfurter Kunstverein/Norbert Miguletz

© Frankfurter Kunstverein/Norbert Miguletz

Frankfurter Kunstverein

The Frankfurter Kunstverein was founded in 1829 and is one of the oldest and largest art associations in Germany. Since 1962, the institution has been located in the so-called Steinernen Haus directly in the center of the city; with the reconstruction of the New Old Town, it was integrated into the urban structure. The Kunstverein is an interdisciplinary exhibition house for contemporary art and culture. The focus is on presenting the positions of young, up-and-coming artists, making it a place of encounter and a platform for contemporary art and performances. Here, artists, creatives and an inquisitive public find their network for exchange about contemporary art, culture, science and social issues.

Frankfurter Kunstverein

Interdisciplinary exhibition house in the New Old Town

Frankfurt, Altstadt, Markt 44

Di/Mi/Fr/So 11–18 Uhr, Do 11–21 Uhr, Sa 11–19 Uhr

Train IconU4/5 Römer; Linie 11/12 Römer/Paulskirche

  • Junge Kunst: Nassim L’Ghouls Arbeit als Teil der

    Junge Kunst: Nassim L’Ghouls Arbeit als Teil der "This is us Now“-Ausstellung

    © Frankfurter Kunstverein Courtesy the artist

  • Außenansicht Frankfurter Kunstverein 2021 mit “This Transition Will Never End” (2008-ongoing) von Jeremy Shaw, Credit: © Frankfurter Kunstverein

    Außenansicht Frankfurter Kunstverein 2021 mit “This Transition Will Never End” (2008-ongoing) von Jeremy Shaw

    © Frankfurter Kunstverein

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Foto: Frankfurter Kunstverein

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