© B. Frenz / Caricatura Museum
Caricatura Museum
With original drawings of caricatures, picture stories, cartoons and comics, the only museum for comic art in Europe shows the diversity of the genre. The Caricatura Museum has well over ten thousand original drawings and thus certainly has the highest humor content of the museum scene. The works of F. W. Bernstein, Robert Gernhardt, Chlodwig Poth, Hans Traxler and F. K. Waechter - members of the "New Frankfurt School" are presented in the permanent exhibition. Other current representatives of comic drawing are shown in the regularly changing exhibitions on the two floors of the museum.
Caricatura Museum
Unique museum for comic art
Frankfurt, Altstadt, Weckmarkt 17
Di–So 11–19 Uhr
U4/5 Römer; Linie 11/12 Römer/Paulskirche
Aktuelles Programm
Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Caricatura Salon #2
Sommerakademie für Komische Kunst Details >>