© © Uwe Dettmar
The Stoltze Museum was founded in 1978 and is dedicated to the life and work of the poet Friedrich Stoltze (1816-1891). Throughout his life, the Frankfurt journalist and publisher was a journalist who campaigned for civil rights and the national unification of Germany. In 2018, the museum moved to the Neue Altstadt, where a permanent exhibition and changing special exhibitions can now be seen. The media table in the fireplace room offers everything worth knowing in words, pictures and sound about twelve places in the city that played a special role for Stoltze.
Remembrance of the Frankfurt dialect author, satirist and journalist Friedrich Stoltze
Frankfurt, Altstadt, Markt 7
Mo–So 10–18 Uhr
Aktuelles Programm

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Bruder Moenus
Geschichten und Gedichte von Friedrich und Adolf Stoltze rund um den Main Details >>

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Friedrich Stoltze
Leben und Werk des Frankfurter Freiheitsdichters, Satirikers und Mundartdichters Details >>
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