© FFF/Esra Klein
Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Founded in 1984, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) has established itself as one of the leading independent centers for photography in Europe. Since 2014, it has been based in a listed building in the city center. Four to six exhibitions are shown there each year. The focus is on contemporary positions in photographic art, icons and group exhibitions, but also new discoveries and talents. Also part of the FFF are a library and an academy. The latter enables experimentation and learning with photographers and media-related specialists.
Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Center for photography in the center of the city
Frankfurt, Altstadt, Braubachstraße 30–32
Di–So 11–18 Uhr
Aktuelles Programm

Kunst / Museen - Führungen
Michael Kerstgens
Out of Control Details >>
12./19.3. 17.00 Uhr, 25.3. 15.00 Uhr, 26.3. 17.00 Uhr