, Credit: © Stadt Frankfurt/Jan Hassenpflug

© Stadt Frankfurt/Jan Hassenpflug


St. Paul's Church is a neoclassical round building at the foot of the Römerberg in the center of Frankfurt. It was built from 1789 to 1833 and served as Frankfurt's main Protestant church until 1944, which is now the Katharinenkirche. After it was destroyed and rebuilt during World War II, little of its important past can be felt inside today. Yet it was precisely there that the delegates of the Frankfurt National Assembly, the first representative body of the people for all of Germany, met from 1848 to 1849. Paulskirche is thus considered, along with Hambach Castle, to be the symbol of the democratic movement in Germany. Today, St. Paul's Church is a national monument and is used as a venue for exhibitions, commemorations and meetings. The most famous recurring event is the awarding of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade.


Former church building, today memorial and meeting place

Frankfurt, Altstadt, Paulsplatz 1

Mo–So 10–17 Uhr

Train IconU4/5 Dom/Römer; Linie 11/12 Römer/Paulskirche

  • Im Versammlungssaal werden wichtige Preise, wie etwa der Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels, verliehen., Credit: © Stadt Frankfurt/Jan Hassenpflug

    Im Versammlungssaal werden wichtige Preise, wie etwa der Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels, verliehen.

    © Stadt Frankfurt/Jan Hassenpflug

  • Das Wandgemälde „Zug der Volksvertreter“ stammt von Johannes Grützke, Credit: © Stadt Frankfurt/Jan Hassenpflug

    Das Wandgemälde „Zug der Volksvertreter“ stammt von Johannes Grützke

    © Stadt Frankfurt/Jan Hassenpflug

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