© #visitfrankfurt, Holger Ullmann
A total of ten streetcar lines run through the entire city area. The eleventh line is a special one, because it is not so much a classic means of transport as a sightseeing mobile. The idea behind it was born back in 1977 when the city's desire for a "traveling cider pub" arose. Since then, the so-called Ebbelwei-Express has been taking passengers on a one-hour tour of the city. Passengers can board at many points and then discover the city and its sights as they pass by. Apple wine, Frankfurt's national drink, is served and there is something to nibble on. To ensure that no highlight is missed along the route, an audio guide supplements the tour.
Streetcar becomes moving cider bar
Frankfurt, Ostend, Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
Fahrplan sowie Ein-und Ausstieg (ab Haltestelle Zoo) siehe Webseite: Sa/So 13.30–19.45 Uhr
Schöne Aussicht: Bus 30/36/N1/N3/N6/N7, Römer: U4/5