© Palmengarten/Tom Wolf
The Palmengarten is one of three botanical gardens in the city and is considered one of the largest of its kind in Germany. Opened in 1871, it too, like much else in Frankfurt, goes back to private, civic initiatives. Heinrich Siesmayer designed the park according to English and French models. Today, the extensive grounds cover a total area of 12 hectares and include several greenhouses, such as the Palm House, the Tropicarium, and the Flower and Butterfly House, with around 13,000 plant species. The cultural program ranges from changing exhibitions and themed tours to musical events. The grounds also house a theater tent, and the two-star Lafleur Restaurant is located in the Gesellschaftshaus.
Botanical garden with cultural program
Frankfurt, Westend, Siesmayerstraße 63
Mo–So 9–19 Uhr
Aktuelles Programm
Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Sonstige Orte
Der Palmengarten – Das Tor zur Welt der Pflanzen
Pflanzen aus aller Welt, alter Baumbestand, Wiesen und Wasser, Wildheit und Wissen, Kunst und Kultur Details >>
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Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Sonstige Orte
Flatterzeit im Blüten- und Schmetterlingshaus