© Freies Deutsches Hochstift/Alexander Paul Englert
The Goethe House is the most important Frankfurt memorial to the famous poet Johann Wolfang von Goethe. He was born there in August 1749 and spent his childhood and most of his youth in the four-story house. It was not until 1775 that he moved to Weimar, before which he created his early works here, including the original version of "Faust" and "The Sorrows of Young Werther." After its destruction during World War II, the building was completely reconstructed. Today, visitors can expect to find originally furnished rooms that bring to life the family life of the Goethes and 18th-century Frankfurt. In 2022, the German Romanticism Museum was opened in the immediate vicinity, which shows manuscripts, graphics, paintings and everyday objects in dialogue with the Goethe House.
Birthplace of the famous poet
Frankfurt, Innenstadt, Großer Hirschgraben 21
Mo–Mi/Fr–So 10–18 Uhr, Do 10–21 Uhr
Aktuelles Programm

Kunst / Museen - Ausstellungen Museen
Frankfurter Goethe-Haus und Gemäldegalerie
Kunst / Museen - Führungen
Frankfurter Goethe-Haus und Gemäldegalerie
17.–21.2. 14.00+16.00 Uhr, 22./23.2. 10.30+14.00+16.00 Uhr, 24.–28.2. 14.00+16.00 Uhr, 1./2.3. 10.30+14.00+16.00 Uhr, 3.–7.3. 14.00+16.00 Uhr, 8./9.3. 10.30+14.00+16.00 Uhr, 10.–14.3. 14.00+16.00 Uhr, 15./16.3. 10.30+14.00+16.00 Uhr, 17.–21.3. 14.00+16.00 Uhr, 22./23.3. 10.30+14.00+16.00 Uhr, 24.–28.3. 14.00+16.00 Uhr, 29./30.3. 10.30+14.00+16.00 Uhr, 31.3. 14.00+16.00 Uhr
Kunst / Museen - Führungen
Mutter Goethe im Goethe-Haus
Kostümführung mit Katharina Schaaf Details >>
15.3. 15.00 Uhr
Klassik / Oper / Ballett - Klassik
Nike Tiecke und Krešimir Stražanac
„Wie soll ich meine Seele halten, dass sie nicht an Deiner rührt?“, Rainer Maria Rilke zum 150. Geburtstag, Sopran und Bassbariton, Reihe: Lied & Lyrik Details >>
26.2. 19.30 Uhr
Literatur / Vorträge - Vortrag/Diskussion
Wiederzuentdecken: Autorinnen und Künstlerinnen
Podiumsdiskussion mit Nicole Seifert und Frederike Middelhoff, Moderation: Eva Maria Magel Details >>
19.3. 19.00 Uhr