Gemütliche Gaststätte mit Biergarten und Spielplatz, Credit: © Zum lahmen Esel

© Zum lahmen Esel

Zum Lahmen Esel

The Lahme Esel is located outside the city center in the north of Frankfurt, but is easily accessible by public transport. A cozy, rustic-style restaurant with a large beer garden awaits you on site. Served, appropriately, is very well-made home cooking, ranging from schnitzel and goulash to regional classics like Frankfurter Grüne Soße and hand cheese. But vegetarians are also catered for with a wide selection. There is a separate menu for children and the in-house playground offers space to play and romp.

Zum Lahmen Esel

Cozy restaurant with beer garden and playground

Frankfurt, Niederursel, Krautgartenweg 1

Mo Ruhetag, Di–Sa 11.30–14.30 und 17–23 Uhr, So 11.30–14.30 und 16.30–22 Uhr

Train IconNiederursel

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  • Der gemüliche Gastraum lädt zum Verweilen ein, Credit: © Thomas Metzmacher

    Der gemüliche Gastraum lädt zum Verweilen ein

    © Thomas Metzmacher