, Credit: © Dirk Ostermeier

© Dirk Ostermeier

Main Tower Restaurant

Chef Martin Weghofer and his team welcome guests on the 53rd floor of the Main Tower. With a view over Frankfurt as far as the Taunus and Odenwald, the Michelin-starred restaurant offers a relaxed atmosphere in which to enjoy the culinary creations of the kitchen team. At just 24 years old, Weghofer is the youngest star chef in Hesse. Using the best ingredients from all over the world, he conjures up up to seven courses and adds japanese accents – in a pleasant and down-to-earth manner.

Main Tower Restaurant

Relaxed star cuisine above the rooftops of Frankfurt

Frankfurt, Innenstadt, Neue Mainzer Straße 52–58

Mo/So Ruhetage, Di–Do 18–24 Uhr, Fr/Sa 18–1 Uhr

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