© Restaurant Buchwald 2022/Alexander Hardy
Restaurant Buchwald
Bornheim can do cider. That's no secret. Nor is it a secret that Der Buchwald has a hand for hospitality, Hessian cuisine and cider. While chef Matthias Sutter's fixed menu focuses on Hessian classics from well-ripened Handkäs with music about heaven and earth to crispy fried Frankfurter Schnitzel with green sauce of the addictive type, the seasonal menu also includes unusual fusion dishes such as Coq au Schoppe. A little tip: Be sure to make a reservation so that not all the tables in front of the restaurant, in the rustic dining room and in the small summer garden are already taken.
Restaurant Buchwald
Hessian classics and skillful home-style fusion cuisine with the finest local ciders
Frankfurt, Bornheim, Buchwaldstraße 22a
Mo Ruhetag, Di–Sa 17–24 Uhr, So 17–22 Uhr
Panoramabad: Bus 38, Bornheim Mitte: U4, Linie 12, Bus 34/38/43/69/103