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Gregor’s Boutique Vinothek

Gregor Bernd, who gave the shop its name, says that he has made wine his life's work. The oenologist's vinotheque in the Westend is designed accordingly: a wide range of different grape varieties, regions and winemakers goes hand in hand with a tasteful interior made of handcrafted materials and fine details, which in turn reflects the basic concept of winemaking. The changing curation of open wines can be enjoyed in a boutique atmosphere at the end of the day, while a "wine library" invites you to discover and debate.

Gregor’s Boutique Vinothek

Very elegant wine bar with an exceptional selection and first-class bar food

Frankfurt, Westend, Bockenheimer Landstraße 47

Mo–Do 16–23 Uhr, Fr 16–24 Uhr, Sa 13–24 Uhr

Train IconWestend: U6/7, Bus 33/36/75/N1/N2

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