Ambitionierte Gourmetküche mit internationalen Gerichten, Credit: © P. Niepagenkemper

© P. Niepagenkemper

Restaurant Heimat

The restaurant's architecture alone is impressive - it is located in a low pavilion with large windows in the middle of the city center. There are only a few tables in the simply elegant dining room, with the long bar forming the centerpiece. There you can watch the chefs prepare the dishes. Dishes from all over the world are served, finely composed and combined, which have literally found a home here. In addition to the dishes, the varied wine selection at fair prices and competent advice is also convincing. In summer, guests can also take a seat on the small terrace.

Restaurant Heimat

Fine cuisine in a special location

Frankfurt, Altstadt, Berliner Straße 70

Mo–Sa 18–23 Uhr, So Ruhetag

Train IconHauptwache: S1–6/8/9, U1–3/6/7, Bus N2/N8, Hauptwache: S1–6/8/9, U1–3/6/7

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