, Credit: © Else Müller

© Else Müller

Funky Mr. Salvador

Funky Mr. Salvador in Nordend is no longer an insider tip. Shortly after opening in spring 2020, the restaurant with its fusion cuisine and focus on regional products was declared a trendy hotspot. The dark, cozy interior and discreet spotlights at every table create a date atmosphere. When it is good weather, you can also sit in the inner courtyard, surrounded by plants and vines, with a view of the surrounding residential buildings, complete with big city flair. The menu is straightforward and offers a selection of seasonally changing dishes with creative flavor combinations.

Funky Mr. Salvador

Casual fine dining with romantic city flair

Frankfurt, Nordend, Weberstraße 90

Mo/So Ruhetage, Di–Sa 18–22 Uhr

Train IconGlauburgstraße

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