© Jörg Baumann
Where soaps and creams were once produced, the Mousonturm is now an internationally renowned production facility and a venue for independent projects. The soap factory of the same name, Mouson, was sold in 1972, and all the buildings - except for the 33-meter-high tower - were demolished. This is now a listed building and serves as a venue for productions of all kinds and genres. The program ranges from dance and theater to music, performance, visual arts, media art, literature, film, radio plays and club art. All of this takes place on more than 4,000 square meters in a theater hall and on two studio stages; rehearsal stages, studios and artists' apartments complement the historic location in the middle of the popular Nordend district.
Cultural center in listed factory building
Frankfurt, Ostend, Waldschmidtstraße 4
Aktuelles Programm
Theater - Theaterspecials
Antanzen – Contemporary mit Max Levy
Workshop für Amateur- und Laientänzer Details >>
23.2. 15.00–16.30 Uhr

Rock / Pop / Jazz - Jazz
Ensemble Modern, Rabih Lahoud und Florian Weber
transforming now, Beiträge zu Global und gerecht – Wege aus einer Ökonomie der Ungleichheit, Moderation: Iiija Trojanow Details >>
11.3. 19.00 Uhr
Theater - Performance
Ich nehm dir alles weg – Ein Schlagerballett
von Joana Tischkau Details >>
20.–22.2. 20.00 Uhr
Theater - Performance
von Paula Rosolen/Haptic Hide Details >>
7./8.3. 20.00 Uhr, 9.3. 18.00 Uhr