, Credit: © Theater Willy Praml

© Theater Willy Praml

Theater Willy Praml

Theater Willy Praml has existed in Frankfurt since 1991, but the theater did not find a permanent venue until 2000. Since then, it has been housed in the Naxoshalle, where sandpaper and grinding machines were once produced. Parts of the building are now listed, and productions take place under architecturally remarkable conditions. The focus of the plays is on addressing current issues and collaborating with other artists from the fields of modern dance theater, experimental music club culture and the inclusion of different population milieus. The building is also the venue of studio.Naxos and is used by naxos.Kino, which shows documentaries with film discussions here.

Theater Willy Praml

Experimental in old factory hall

Frankfurt, Ostend, Waldschmidtstraße 19

  • Für „Das Erdbeben von Chili“ wird die gesamte Länge der Halle genutzt., Credit: © Seweryn Zelazny

    Für „Das Erdbeben von Chili“ wird die gesamte Länge der Halle genutzt.

    © Seweryn Zelazny

  • Bühnenaufnahme: Willy Pramls Version von Schwanensee , Credit: © Rebekka Waitz

    Bühnenaufnahme: Willy Pramls Version von Schwanensee

    © Rebekka Waitz

Aktuelles Programm

Foto:  Naxos Hallenkonzerte

Klassik / Oper / Ballett - Neue Musik

Ensemble S201: Dimitry Stavrianidi ,Tamon Yashima , Heni Hyunjung Kim , Filip Erakovic und Robert Alan Wheatley

Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Akkordeon und Cello, 81. Naxos Hallenkonzert Details >>

31.1. 20.00 Uhr