Wacker's Kaffee Rösterei
The roastery is the oldest of its kind in the Frankfurt city area. Coffee is roasted in Fechenheim on large drum machines from the 19960s without a great deal of high-tech. Whether exquisite blends of coffee beans from different countries or "single origin coffees", i.e. bottlings from a single harvest, the variety is huge. The entire range has always been based on the motto "Good coffee at reasonable prices". The coffees can be purchased in Wacker's cafés and selected stores.
Wacker's Kaffee Rösterei
Frankfurt, Fechenheim, Salzschlirfer Straße 14
Mo–Fr 8–16 Uhr, Sa/So Ruhetage
Lahmeyerstraße: Bus 42/44/N3/N5/939