© Till Taubmann
The façade on Braubachstraße, not far from the Römerberg, measures less than five meters, but you can't miss espressoespresso. Usually - and especially in good weather - there is a crowd of people in front of the small location, which is still labeled "Briefmarken Piroth". The striped awning beckons, while inside, raw plastered walls, light tiles, dark wood, dried flowers and a room-filling mirror create a perfectly coordinated, harmonious ambience. Naturally produced wines, PetNat and co. are served, as well as vermouth tonic, Negroni and beer. Aperitif? The best address in town.
Frankfurt, Altstadt, Braubachstraße 28
Mi–Fr 14–22 Uhr, Sa 12–22 Uhr, So 14–19 Uhr, Mo/Di Ruhetage