© Elke Kammerer

Online impulse evening: ‘Man - don't get angry’

Every day, things come at you that you don't like. Differences of opinion at work, personal quirks or unobjective comments become a reason for you to get upset. Then sometimes you get annoyed with yourself because you had firmly resolved to remain calm. You could be using your energy for more worthwhile things. "Anger is a stupid animal... it only eats you, never the occasion!" (Karl-Heinz Söhler, German poet) How much of your time and energy does your anger eat up? How difficult is it sometimes to form a halfway sensible thought because your brain is still absorbed by annoyance at others or yourself? How often do you even take anger to bed with you? And what if you could get angry more efficiently in future? Because let's be honest: "Man - don't get angry!" ... that's pretty unrealistic. But you can get angry more efficiently at any time. That's why: Get to know suitable ways and means of keeping a cool head more often and dealing with anger, resentment etc. in a more energy-efficient way. In any case, you will learn - what an efficient anger wave looks like, - what type of anger you are and which basic anti-anger strategy is suitable for you, - how a 5-step guide can help you prevent a small spark from turning into a big fire, to confidently exert influence where you can.

Online impulse evening: ‘Man - don't get angry’

13.11./13.1. 19.00–20.30 Uhr / Frankfurter Stadtevents

Frankfurter Stadtevents

