© Laura-Besch-©-Red-Rooster-Musikproduktion-GmbH
Peter Maffay - Love Places 2025
Dear friends, in 2025 it's "Let's rock! You can now buy tickets here for the impressive Schwarzenberg, the beautiful Loreley and for St. Peter at Sunset in Kestenholz in Switzerland. Even if we don't go on tour anymore, there will still be music on stage. "I'm not going yet, I give you my word." We are now keeping this promise. It is the answer to the countless concert requests from our fan community. We are returning to our favorite magical places of the past and reviving our shared memories there. For 2025: On 13.06. + 14.06.2025 the impressive Schwarzenberg, on 20.06. + 21.06.2025 the beautiful Loreley and on 06.07.2025 we play in Kestenholz in Switzerland at St. Peter at Sunset. Then it's "Let's rock!" again! Love Places - we look forward to seeing you! Best regards Your Peter
Peter Maffay - Love Places 2025
20.6. 20.00 Uhr / Loreley Freilichtbühne
Loreley Freilichtbühne
Sankt Goar, Loreley Tunnel