© Peer Oliver Nau
Peer Oliver Nau
Peer Oliver Nau is one of the best-known wood sculptors in northern Germany - his caricaturistic and critically exaggerated sculptures are unmistakable. His métier is the chainsaw, which he uses in a virtuoso manner to carve out very lively creatures - people, animals and mythical creatures - from large-format pieces of wood. His works are often an expression of regained childishness, and he likes to stage the sensitive aspects of human existence with humor and emotion: embarrassment, sensitivity, fear. A certain theatricality of the moment is definitely desired.
Peer Oliver Nau
11.1.–23.2. / Stadtgalerie Bad Soden am Taunus
Stadtgalerie Bad Soden am Taunus
Bad Soden am Taunus, Königsteiner Straße 86