© Ina Weissgärber
Yin Yang Yoga
In this course you will find a balanced combination of classic Hatha and Yin Yoga. In her classes, Dominique creates the opportunity to create a balance to everyday life in the big city and to bring body and mind into harmony. A conscious and mindful interplay of yin and yang, movement, stretching, holding and letting go helps you to be well grounded in your strength and flexible at the same time. A gentle, soothing yoga class in which you have the opportunity to turn your attention inwards, calm your thoughts and recharge your batteries. Arrive with yourself - feel what is right now - free from judgment. The course takes place every Monday and is part of our regular course schedule.
Yin Yang Yoga
20./27.1./3./10./17./24.2. 20.00–21.30 Uhr / Spirit WoMen Zentrum
Spirit WoMen Zentrum
Sachsenhausen, Teichstraße 5A