© Dominic Reichenbach

Mathias Tretter

In the past, no serious crime thriller could do without it: vice. A plucky policeman in plain clothes who didn't contribute to solving a case in the slightest, but smeared himself so oily on a bar as if he himself would never disdain any perversion. Those days are over. Hundreds of thousands of people are now involved in vice, and without any whodunit or police, or even sex in most cases. Not much longer and morality will be just as well guarded in Germany as it is in China. We still lack their social point system, but we have Twitter. What the dictatorship does in China, the mob does here. Digital armament there, indignation here. What a fantastic climate for satire! At least that's the opinion of Tretter, who can hardly believe his luck: "I was always envious of comedians in dictatorships - when every joke can be your last, you feel needed. We haven't got that far yet, but the sheer number of honorary doubters we already have shows that there has rarely been such a need for a thug as there is today!" You guessed it: this could be fun - so much so that people will be tweeting again afterwards. Or Tretter again: "Sittenstrolch, my seventh solo. The first with humor."

Mathias Tretter

29./30.12. 20.00 Uhr / Stalburg Theater

Stalburg Theater

Nordend, Glauburgstraße 80

Train IconGlauburgstraße + Bus 36 Adlerflychtplatz